Online News

Hello Michigan!

  • Crime
  • New amusement park
  • Today, in Michigan, there was an armed robbery at the near by bank. The suspects left the bank on foot, then they were picked up by a Cadillac having minor front end damage on the passenger side.
    Michigan State Police confirmed the suspect was arrested around noon when he attempted to run across a road. He was not immediately identified while authorities file formal criminal charges.
    Witnesses say, "The robbers were waring clown masks as they robbed the bank, they were laughing maniakly the whole time." Police are now currently looking for 3 people in a Cadillac.

    In other news, there is a amusment park opening in Michigan. The store, called Airway, will provide it's custmers with a one of a kind experiance by suspending theem in air all the time.
    The park does this by having enourmouss plane engines at the base of the park, so there is always a enormouse gust of air always pushing people off the ground at all times. Custumers can move
    through the store by having a backpack shaped object strapped to their backs that shoot burts of air in the opposite direction of where they want to go in, essentially making a jetpack. The store will
    be opening next week Tuesday.

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